Only applicable to FluidNC Shield
(>= v7 – black board)
If you are having troubles with your FluidNC K40 shield, you can proceed to update your K40 FluidNC shield with the latest version of the software and the latest version of the settings file for your machine.
To do so, you must connect to the shield via the web page.
See the instructions in this article : link (use with WEB interface)
K40 FluidNC firmware update
Version of your shield (written on the board) | Link to the latest firmware | Notes |
Version 7.XX or 8.0 | link (v4.3.4) | |
Version 8.1 | link (v5.3) | |
Version >=8.2 | link (v6.0_Avataar120_v3.7.8) | Add : New control pin in config.yaml : power_pin Detection of power ON + possibility to reset the board when powered ON ($ResetOnPowerON setting to turn ON or OFF) Add need to be powered ON before launching HOME Change error message “RESET to continue” to “Fix the errors – then reset the board with $reset” Allow setting modifications even if not idle or in alarm Sync upstream changes |
Version >=8.2 | link (v6.1_Avataar120_v3.7.8) | Add : display number of job done |
Version >=8.2 | link (v6.3_Avataar120_v3.7.12) | Add lightburn “read from controller” feature Sync with upstream v3.7.12 Minor improvements |
Version >=9.2 | link (v6.4_Avataar120_v3.7.13) | Fix WebUI Synchro with upstream Fix soft limits |
Connect to the web interface: http://fluidnc.local/ or if it doesn’t work at the IP address indicated in the Lightburn console after starting the shield, for example

Click on the FluidNC button (in the ribbon at the top of the interface)

Click on the orange button (Update the firmware wirelessly (OTA))

Then click on: select file, choose the firmware.bin file you just downloaded
Then click on the Update button

And confirm on the next popup by clicking YES.
The download of the latest firmware version of your shield will start:

Then the shield will restart and you will be able to see the new firmware version in the startup message in the Lightburn console or by typing $ss in the Lightburn console. See example below:

Update the configuration file for your machine
You can download the latest version of the configuration file for your machine here :
Version of the board / Number of axis of your machine | 2 axis | 3 axis | 4 axis |
v7.XX or 8.00 | Link | Link | Link |
v8.1 | Link | Link | Link |
v8.2 | Link | Link | Link |
IMPORTANT: rename the file on your PC to config.yaml
Connect to the web interface: http://fluidnc.local/ or if it doesn’t work at the IP address indicated in the Lightburn console after starting the shield, for example

Click on the FluidNC button (in the ribbon at the top of the interface)

Click on the green button (manage local files)

Click on the upload files button and choose the config.yaml file that you have just downloaded. Remember to rename the file as indicated in the previous step

Once the file is fully loaded, you can close the window by clicking on the Close button

Restart FluidNC by clicking on the red button (Restart FluidNC)

For information, you can see the parameters taken into account by FluidNC in these two ways:
$ss will give the startup message and most important settings for your machine
$cd will give a “copy” of the settings file taken into account by FluidNC